History of Brookside Cemetery
Our History
Before the Civil War and for some time after, there was no public burial ground in Englewood. Essentially, burials were made in family plots and churchyards.
The custom of setting apart a place for the burial of the dead dates from very ancient times. Wherever people have settled in families or communities, whether civilized or not, it has continued to be the custom to select and set apart someplace to be used exclusively for this purpose.
This question agitated the minds of the people of Englewood for some years before its final solution. Various places were suggested for a cemetery location, but it was not until the autumn of 1875 that any decisive action was taken.
At that time, nine well-known gentlemen of Englewood, seeing the growing need for a place of this kind, and having the sufficient intellect to conceptualize what was required for such purpose, called a meeting which was held at the home of Thomas M. Wheeler in Englewood on February 11, 1876.
At this meeting, it was voted by those present to proceed to form an association for the purpose of procuring and holding lands to be used exclusively for a cemetery and that the name of the Association would be the Englewood Cemetery Association.
At this meeting, six trustees were chosen, and the work of organizing, financing and procuring suitable lands was started under the direction of Francis Howland, who was elected as the Association’s first President.
Following this February 1876 meeting, at the May 6, 1876 meeting, the name Brookside Cemetery was adopted.
The Cemetery is located about three-quarters of a mile north of Palisade Avenue, on Engle Street, and over time, it has become the custom for lovers of the beautiful to visit this sacred spot where one can observe the beautiful monuments erected to mark the final resting place of loved ones and the floral tokens of love and affection laid upon their graves, that the memory of friends who have gone before is still fresh and green in the hearts of those left behind.
Our records indicate that those present at this meeting were the following;
The Rev. Henry M. Booth
Frances Howland
Robert J. Hunter
Sheppard Homans
Cullen Sawtelle
Charles G. Sawtelle
Jeffery A. Humphrey
Chester C. Monroe
Thomas M. Wheeler
The Cemetery is located about three-quarters of a mile north of Palisade Avenue, on Engle Street, and over time, it has become the custom for lovers of the beautiful to visit this sacred spot where one can observe the beautiful monuments erected to mark the final resting place of loved ones and the floral tokens of love and affection laid upon their graves, that the memory of friends who have gone before is still fresh and green in the hearts of those left behind.